Repo! The Genetic Opera Wiki
Repo! The Genetic Opera Wiki

Played by:

Various Actresses

The Genterns are women who work at GeneCo as nurses (I want to bang a Gentern.) They are allowed to administer GeneCo-produced Zydrate to assist in the surgery as an anesthetic. They constantly have to put up with death threats and sexual harassment from the Largo family.

The status in society the Genterns receive is questionable, as whilst they all conform to the physical and presumably mental ideal, they appear to be treated by people of all other social groups as mere scenery. On the other hand, many references throughout the film from posters and speaker announcements tell the public to ask a Gentern if Zydrate is right for them, suggesting that Genterns may be considered as reliable as doctors.

Genterns also seem to be pop-culture icons. Their images are strewn across posters and magazines, and many appear in Geneco's genetic opera.


Gentern's dance at the opera

The Genterns conform to traditional beauty standards, have well-applied make-up and long hair that is always loose. The Genterns' uniforms consist of a red pair of goggles or visors over their eyes, white halter mini dresses, and high-heeled white footwear.

By the time Shilo was born, the Genterns' uniforms were more nurse-like and slightly less revealing.

